
LEGAL NOTICE, terms of use AND PERSONAL DATA POLICY FOR the website comfortsofitaly.com

Legal Notice
1. Information about the publisher
The publisher of the site florence.comfortsofitaly.com is:
Comforts Of Italy srl
Single-member company registered at the RCS of under number 802 049 700, with share capital of € 348,124
Headquartered at:
251 West 19th Street
New York, New York
10011 USA
The director of the publication is Mr. Douglas PLATT, in his capacity as legal representative of Comforts Of Italy srl

2. Information about the host
The provider providing direct and permanent storage (accommodation provider) is:
SquareSpace, Inc
225 Varick Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10014

3. Rules of use
Access to the site is free for any user. By entering information to request assistance in locating housing, the user agrees to use the features of the site in accordance with the regulations in force and the rights of third parties.
The site in its entirety, as well as each of the elements, including the specific programs and developments, its structure, and the contents including data, texts, still or animated images, logotypes, sounds, graphics, photographs, files, are the exclusive property of the publisher of the site or third parties who have licensed to it. Any partial or total reproduction without the consent of the publisher is prohibited and liable to prosecution for infringement.
The user is solely responsible for the use he makes of the site and its features.

The user who accesses this site acknowledges having read and agreed to the personal data policy as defined below.
The user agrees, when requested, to only provide information about him, that is complete, accurate and up to date, and to inform the editor of any changes in the accuracy of this information.
1. Purpose of personal data regulations
The personal data collected has the main purpose of:
• Allowing access to the site, content and information as well as services offered there
• The processing, management and follow-up of requests for information
• Processing, management and follow-up of accommodation requests
• Conducting studies, analyses and statistics relating to users of the site
• The processing, management and follow-up of user requests for the exercise of their rights regarding their personal data
• Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations resulting from the activity of the publisher
The aims pursued for personal data regulations are mainly due to the legitimate interest of the publisher of the site to follow its relations with the users of the site and to satisfy their requests for information or housing.
Regarding hosting requests, the data collected is essential for the publisher to provide an appropriate and relevant response.

2. Data collected
The personal data of the users that can be collected are: surname, first name, address, phone number, email address, gender, nationality, country of residence, date of birth, passport number and expiry date, photocopy of passport, certificate of schooling, mother tongue and other languages spoken, university, degree level, experience abroad or colocation, alcohol and tobacco consumption habits, social behavior.
The user is informed on each form of personal data collection, the mandatory nature of the fields to be completed by the presence of an asterisk or an explicit mention in this sense (the other possible fields appearing in these forms being optional). If the user does not fill in any information mentioned as mandatory, the request related to this data collection may not be processed by the publisher of the site or may be delayed.

3. Data transfer
The personal data collected is only intended for the publisher of the site, as well as, if strictly necessary, the providers intervening on behalf of the publisher of the site for the aforementioned purposes.
In this context, the user is informed that his personal data may, for the aforementioned purposes, be processed by service providers established outside the European Union, particularly in the United States, in states that do not provide an adequate level of data protection.
In particular, the personal data of users using the publisher's services may be shared with third-party companies in the following cases:
• For the payment of services (data communicated to the paying agent)
• If the law requires it to carry out the transmission of data to respond to claims against the publisher of the site and comply with administrative and judicial procedures
• If the publisher is involved in a merger, acquisition, asset transfer or bankruptcy procedure, it may be required to sell all or part of its assets, including the personal data in its possession.
The photocopy of the passport of the user and the certificate of schooling can be communicated to the owners and / or their agents managing apartments that the user would be likely to rent. This communication will be carried out for purposes of security, guarantee, and information for the owners of the persons occupying their apartments.
Due to the international group to which the site publisher belongs, the user authorizes the publisher to transfer, store and process his information in the United States. The Customer consents to the transfer of his personal data to the United States.

4. Data retention
As a matter of principle, the user data will be kept for a maximum of five years from the last contact between the user and the publisher of the site.

5. User rights
In accordance with the Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (in the version applicable on the day of consultation of the site) and European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of the personal data, any user of the site can exercise a right of access to the personal data concerning him and, if necessary, his rights of rectification and deletion and in particular if the data is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, out of date, or whose collection, use, disclosure or storage is prohibited.
The user may also object to the processing of his personal data or exercise his right to access his personal data collected by the publisher of the site.
These rights are exercised at COMFORTS OF FLORENCE SERVICES by e-mail to publisher at info@comfortsofitaly.com or by post to publisher's designee:

Via Sant'Egidio 12
Firenze 50122

Any user of the site may exercise his rights or lodge a complaint, by contacting the supervised authority:
Garante per la protezione dei dati personali
Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121
00186 Roma
Tel. +39 06 69677 1

6. Data security
The site publisher implements organizational, technical, software, and physical security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized tampering, destruction, and access. However, the Internet is not a completely secure environment and the publisher of the site cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information on the Internet.

7. Cookies
Cookies are small data stored on the browser of a site visitor, usually used to track their movements and actions on a site.
Cookies have multiple uses: they can be used to memorize your customer ID with a merchant site, the current content of your shopping cart, an identifier to ensure the traceability of your navigation for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.
The site editor uses various cookies on the site to improve the interactivity of the site and its services.
The user may oppose the use of cookies and delete them using the browser settings:
„ For Firefox: follow the procedure indicated by MOZILLA: "enable-disable cookies"
• For Chrome: Follow the instructions provided by GOOGLE: "enable or disable cookies"
• For Internet Explorer: follow the procedure indicated by MICROSOFT: "delete and manage cookies"
In this case, the user is informed that the use of the site may be impaired. The Google Analytics tool is used by the site editor and generates the following cookies:
These cookies are used to distinguish unique visitors to the site by assigning a randomly generated number as a user ID. The latter is updated at every page view and allows to calculate the number of visitors, sessions, ... The lifetime or validity of this cookie has been set by the site editor to not exceed 12 months. For more information, the user is invited to consult the following page: HTTPS:

8. Choice of Law
To the extent permitted by the Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (in the version applicable on the day of consultation of the site) and European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of the personal data, this agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA, without regard to or application of its conflicts-of-laws principles.